Candidate for

Julia McCrea

Julia McCrea

Candidate's Bio

Julia McCrea began teaching as a special educator with Toronto District School Board in 1992. Julia works extensively in the areas of autism and accessibility. A proud ETFO DOTL member, since 2016, Julia started her ETFO activism as site federation rep. and delegate to provincial annual general meetings, serving on North York FWTAO’s executive. With Elementary Teachers of Toronto, she also served on health and safety and political action committees and then as site federation rep. with ETFO Peel.  This year, Julia was on the picket lines, working virtually with DDSB@Home and is now working in person as teacher librarian/SERT. Julia actively participates in DOTL’s general and annual meetings, helps the social committee with family picnic and seasonal socials and participates in PD events. An activist on city and regional advisory committees, make Julia your choice for Member at Large for a wealth of community and federation experience.

Candidate's Platform

Thank you for your participation, your professionalism, and your courage in this historic pandemic year! ETFO DOTL has a strong record of service to our diverse members who face daily challenges trying to survive and pursue job and economic security while juggling multiple jobs, workplaces and families. 2020 has been exceptional.  It was fantastic to meet so many members on the picket line in the spring. Due to the COVID pandemic, we lost daily work, gained CERB, and now DDSB has opened hiring of OTs for virtual school and French. Our health and safety is at high risk. As front line daily supply teachers, we risk our lives going school to school and as LTO teachers, many of us face multiple cohorts of students in both classrooms and on yard duty. Keeping all children safe using COVID safety provisions – maintaining physical distancing, doling out hand sanitizer and masks – is stressful as we watch students take risks that we cannot always prevent. Adding stress is the revocation of regulation 274 which previously addressed nepotism and favouritism that creeps into the hiring process. Finally, we are trying to achieve gains in our collective agreement through local bargaining. These are the many issues that require an active engaged membership led by a knowledgeable executive team working cooperatively and communicating effectively. If elected, I will respect the diversity of experience, opinion, contributions and interests of our membership and simultaneously, I will seek new ways to activate, engage and take progressive action with members, in solidarity with our unionized peers in the workplace to achieve greater equality. I would appreciate your support to work for progressive change in our local as Member at Large on the ETFO DOTL executive. Vote Julia McCrea!