Collective Agreement Overview

Our Collective Agreement (CA) is available for download here, as well as on the DDSB website. On the DDSB website click on Spark then under My Employment and the subtab Labour Relations.  There, you will also find other Local’s Agreements such as the permanent Teacher Local and OSSTF. 

Our  CA includes the Local Table agreement (section B), the Central Table agreement (section A) as well as Letters of Understanding.  We have also posted the slide show that was presented to our membership during the ratification vote for the Local Table agreement. This slide show summarizes the changes made to the 2019-2022 CA. If you have any questions don’t hesitate to call the Local at 905-404-0411 or email 


  1. Elementary OT 2019-2022 Collective Agreement 
  1. Ratification Vote Slide Show