Professional Learning Funding (PLF)
The ETFO Durham Occasional Teachers’ Local is pleased to provide funding to members for Professional Learning events. The intent of the fund is to provide monetary support to members in their pursuit of Professional Learning. The fund is overseen by the Professional Learning Committee and all questions and applications should be forwarded to the PL funding email address ( The budget for the Fund will be reviewed annually and funding is available as long as the budget contains sufficient money to pay successful applicants. The full amount of the funding may be used in any combination of applications (ex: AQ plus partial text book). For the 2024 – 2025 fiscal year (July 01/’24 – June 30/’25), the allotment will be $300.00 per member until the fund is depleted. Submit all applications to:
Below are the details of requirements and the process for applying:
1. To be eligible for Professional Learning Funding from the ETFO Durham Occasional Teachers’ Local you must
currently be an elementary occasional teacher with the Durham District School Board (DDSB), and be a
member of the ETFO Durham Occasional Teachers’ Local.
2. Submit application, receipt and updated OCT Qualification certificate after the course has been completed
and after having taught a minimum of 20 full days at the elementary level, virtual and/or in person, for the
DDSB. * In the event of a late June completion date please contact the PL chair
( for required criteria.
3. You are eligible for up to $300 funding in each school year (funding from the Local will be up to 50% of the
cost not exceeding $300). This cannot be combined with funding from any other source. For the purposes
of this funding the school year is considered to run from July 01, 2024 to June 30, 2025 (this is in line with
the Local’s fiscal year).
4. Applications for Professional Learning Funding must be received by the Durham Occasional Teachers’ Local
within the current fiscal year. Applications must be received no later than June 23 rd , 2024 in order to be
considered for this fiscal year. Applications relating to previous years will not be considered.
5. Officers and members of the ETFO Durham Occasional Teachers' Local Executive are eligible to receive
Professional Learning Funding as long as they are not part of the selection process.
6. All applications are subject to approval by the Professional Learning Committee of the ETFO Durham
Occasional Teachers’ Local.
7. The ETFO Durham Occasional Teachers’ Local will annually budget an amount for this fund; when this
budget line is depleted, applications will no longer be accepted for that fiscal year.
8. Funds will be allocated in the order of receipt of completed applications.
9. All documents should be submitted to the Professional Learning Committee in hard copy or online. Forms
can be sent to the Local by Canada Post to 1077 Boundary Road, Unit 107, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P8, by Durham
District School Board courier service, delivered in person to the Local’s office or emailed to to the attention of the Professional Learning Committee.
10. Incomplete applications will not be processed until all the necessary documents have been submitted.
11. Cheques will be sent by Canada Post to successful applicants.
12. Applications must be received by the Local no later than June 23, 2025 to allow for processing.
13. Members who accept a 1.0 permanent contract with the DDSB or any other Board are no longer eligible for funding. Please contact your new Local for information on applying to their PL Fund. Members who are
less than 1.0 permanent may still apply for funding, providing all criteria are met.
14. Courses for Masters Programs, PhD and Principal Qualifications are not eligible for funding.
15. Applicants may only apply for funding if they have not already applied for and/or received the full
amount for the same course form any other AQ provider or program.
AQ / ABQ Application
16. AQ and ABQ courses are courses that will upgrade your teaching qualifications at the elementary level and
are delivered by ETFO, the DDSB or an accredited educational institute (universities) and are recognized by
the Ontario College of Teachers (OCT) and can be credited to your OCT Qualifications Certificate.
17. For the purposes of this funding, proof of completion will be the updated OCT certificate generated by the
successful completion of the course.
18. The application process requires the following:
– Application form (available on the secure side of the Local’s website)
– Updated OCT certificate
– Copy of course payment receipt
– Proof of 20 days taught with DDSB at the elementary level during this fiscal year
– Applications must be received by the Local no later than June 23, 2025 to allow for processing.
Submit to:
Workshop / Conference Applications
19. Workshops and conferences are eligible for funding if they expand your professional expertise at the
elementary teaching level.
20. An overview of the event must be included in the application.
21. The application process requires the following:
– Application form (available on the secure side of the Local’s website)
– Workshop / conference fee and hotel accommodation receipts
– Copy of brochure, descriptive outline or flyer of the event
– Proof of 20 days taught with DDSB at the elementary level during this fiscal year
– Applications must be received by the Local no later than June 23, 2025 to allow for processing.
submit to:
Summer Institute (DDSB) and Summer Academy (ETFO) courses
20. Courses taken through the Summer Institute (DDSB) and Summer Academy (ETFO) are eligible for funding
if they are at the elementary level.
21. Include an overview of the course in the application.
22. The application process requires the following:
– Application form (online on the secure side of the Local’s website)
– Course payment receipt.
– Copy of letter or certificate of successful completion
– Proof of 20 days taught with DDSB at the elementary level during this fiscal year
– Applications must be received by the Local no later than June 23, 2025 to allow for processing. Submit
Professional Books
23. Professional books are books that contribute to your professional learning as an elementary teacher. These
are texts that support recognized pedagogy and help you deliver Ministry approved curriculum to your
students. Storybooks, classroom reference materials or workbooks do not qualify for funding. (You may be
asked how the text is relevant to your classroom teaching. If you are unsure, contact us prior to purchasing.)
24. Books ordered online must be delivered to you prior to submitting your application.
25. Books purchased from a non-Canadian site must include proof of the amount paid in Canadian funds.
26. Shipping charges are not covered in this funding.
27. The application process requires the following:
– Application form (available on the secure side of the Local’s website)
– Copy of payment receipt
– Book title, author, and ISBN number
– Proof of 20 days taught with DDSB at the elementary level during this fiscal year
– Applications must be received by the Local no later than June 23, 2025 to allow for processing.
Submit to:
NOTE: Proof of 20 days taught for the DDSB at the elementary level during this fiscal year will be a DDSB pay
stub or verified days on SFE. Please feel free to block out information not pertaining to the proof. We do need
your name and the line that shows the number of days taught to date at the elementary level. The best way to
show this information is the drop-down timesheet from the pay stub under Employee Self-Serve.
Criteria and application forms for all Professional Learning Funding are available on the Local’s website (